Die Gerechtigkeitsfrage.

Questions and answers from Benzon Mitai:

We* need to talk again… What do you mean by praying? And is there a privacy and coral to praying when doing so? But when do we start talking about it… and is there only talking when needed Wow-Pow and SIOUX or PUEBLO Tabako with a peace herb? And why? hehe etc.


You don’t have to recite a creed when you think of the greatest common sum of God the Human nicest neighbor or closest loving person. I don’t know that such a person needs special protection… but life sometimes plays along like in a movie. Because when we think of one God, we are all children of God.


But where does that actually come from, who said that?

Answer after freestyle text one:

Hmmmh… I’m also a “bit” arrogant when I say that…. But we rarely pray to God in life, do we? Yes, it’s time to let go of fear! God doesn’t eat anyone up! Forever 17 is over and slowly we grew up… and that sounds too familiar! I am a Handycapped Peoples contemporary! I also like to tell stories, which means I made it up myself in my imagination! And we know what fantasy is! What we experience is reflected in our introverted nature. In the Bible in the Newer Book, I once asked in a Bible based on humanity what it means that the sparrows are whistling from the rooftops, at l

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die Zyklen des Workflows von Betriebssystemen und Hardware in 2023.

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